Gosford Drive

Botany Downs

This property in Botany Downs was originally clad with Insulclad, a plaster over polystyrene system.

A more modern look was achieved by recladding in vertical pine weatherboards fixed on with exposed rose head nails to add some texture.


Before weathertight reclad Botany Downs - Revive Builders Auckland
Before weathertight reclad Botany Downs - Revive Builders Auckland
Reclad home Botany Downs  | Revive Build Auckland
Reclad home Botany Downs  | Revive Build Auckland

To save costs, we pulled out the windows and reused them after they were revamped to bring them up to the current code. The old waterproof membrane deck was replaced with a far safer standard deck.

Contact Chris to arrange an obligation-free chat about your leaky home.

We built a dryer, healthier home for this family

Weathertight issues recladding - Botany Downs
Weathertight issues recladding - Botany Downs
Reclad home Botany Downs  | Revive Build Auckland
Reclad home Botany Downs  | Revive Build Auckland